Thursday, January 12, 2012

How you catch them is how you keep them.

Tonight I'm going to discuss a topic that I'm almost certain I've covered before, but it's really been on heart lately and I feel like it's something that we all need to be reminded of. Almost daily.

I have seen and heard so many girls go out of their way to impress a guy and it kills me every single time. Why do we ladies feel like we must dress in tight clothing or be physical with a guy to get his attention? That being said, there is a phrase that I've used to explain this (idiotic) concept of impressing boys and it is as follows: How you catch them is how you keep them. What I mean by that statement, is that if you catch a guy by dressing inappropriately or by being physical or sleeping with him....that's how you keep him. You will have to continue giving him more and more of those things (and more of yourself) and you will have to continue dressing that way, or he will lose interest. But if you catch a guy by being humble in spirit, having a Godly character, dressing modestly, and just being yourself then he will continue to pursue those characteristics in you; because he wants that. He wants to pursue a beautiful relationship with you that has Christ at the center. So how you catch them is how you keep them.

I hope that all of you ladies will realize that you can't catch a guy at a party or elsewhere by going out of your way to impress them with your clothing or by being physical and then just suddenly change who you are. He's not a guinea pig, you can't just change and have him love you for your personality or for your Godly spirit, etc. So when you are "catching" a guy, be aware of what you're getting yourself into before you get hurt.

Honestly, I feel bad for the girls that are upset over a relationship, but when I hear girls complaining about the fact that their boyfriend dumped them because she wouldn't sleep with really begs me to question why he even thought that was acceptable in the first place. You know? If you aren't genuine when you begin the relationship, it won't last.

I really wish I could state this more eloquently but it's not happening. So there you have it and I hope that some of you will go about relationships differently. You don't need to impress a guy or go out of your way to get his attention. The one that matters will notice you, without all of the extra effort.

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