Sunday, December 2, 2012

Change Is Inevitable.

Shew! This has been the most insane semester of my college career thus far. I guess that's what I get for swearing multiple times that it was going to be my easiest. However, I have just turned in the last of my "big projects" (you know, because finals aren't just next week or anything...), squeezed in a bit of Christmas shopping therapy, and now I am resting in my humble abode, sipping on some hot tea while Ray LaMontagne speaks to my soul. All is as it should be. 

So, with that being said, a big decision has been made since the last you and I had a chat... A few of you know, a few of you won't care, but for those of you who don't know and do care: after this semester, I will be moving to Nashville to finish up my education at Trevecca Nazarene University. Knoxville has been so amazing. I definitely know why God miraculously opened up the doors for me to come back here. However, I now believe that He is leading me elsewhere... Why do I believe this, you ask? Because I simply don't have a choice; and I am thankful for that, because I cannot trust that-if I did have a choice-I would make the right one (and why after 15 years of school do I still not know or understand the proper use of a semicolon?). 

I have actually really struggled with this decision for about a year and a half now, which my family can attest to. I have had so many options of places I could go or schools I could go back to. This semester though, God just made it very clear to me that my time in Knoxville is coming to a close and I will not be returning to Johnson City. You know, I've had some of the best memories of my life in these two places, but I trust that it'll be the same no matter where I go. That is how it's always been. I'm sure that there will be trials to come, but He is my God and I am His child. In the past month or so, I have felt such a peace about this decision, and I am excited to see what He has in store.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."-Isaiah 55:8-9 ESV

In other news, I am super blessed to have such amazing friends. I literally don't know what I would do without them. And I'm so glad that they are willing to always be there for me, no matter how difficult being friend's with a crazy person may or may not be.

Anyways, I hope you have a great December 3rd tomorrow! I've already been listening to my Christmas tunes (since September...judge me), but I have yet to finish my Christmas shopping, so don't be surprised if you get an empty box with "blame the Mayans, the world was supposed to end" written on it! Stay tuned for my holiday playlist for this season...

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