I have been slacking on updating my blog as of late. I do hope you forgive me. That being said, today's topic is going to be about "The Hunger Games".
I believe it is safe to say that I am addicted to the Hunger Games. I have the three books, the parody book, the People magazine dedicated to the upcoming movie, and I intend to watch the movie on the 23rd when it comes to theaters.

If you haven't heard of the Hunger Games, I highly suggest you go buy the books or borrow them from me and read them before the 23rd. I am fully supporting the games, if you will. This post doesn't flow very well but I will say this before I leave you with the trailer to get you pumped: After reading the books, I have decided that I hate the main character. Katniss is definitely a beast, I'll give her credit for that. But as far as her character goes...I'm not a huge fan. BUT I won't give away too much more information...for that you'll just need to read the books. :)
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