Saturday, February 18, 2012

Plain and Simple.

Today I came across this verse:

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8

To put it plain and simple...we need to love others like Christ loves us. We spend so much of our time judging others and assuming things about people based off of their actions (I know I have done this many times; it's just my human nature), that we do not even give them time to explain their behaviors. Not that we should even require an explanation. We are all sinners and there's nothing more humbling than being smacked in the face with your faults.

Hopefully you can take something from this post, as unorganized as it may be, but if not...this is something I needed to be reminded of today. I've really been failing at loving others lately. So for all us, let's just remember to purposely love others because that is what we are called do to.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Great Romance.

I really should be studying for, what will be, the most heinous test I've ever taken but this has really been on my heart lately...and I feel pressed to write and just lay it out there for you readers. I hope it speaks to you in some way.

"Therefore, behold, I will allure her,
and bring her into the wilderness,
and speak tenderly to her.
And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness. And you shall know the Lord."
-Hosea 2:14, 19-20 ESV

With Valentine's day less than a week away, I am finding myself getting caught up in this commercial holiday as much as the next person...there's lots of pink, new lines of perfume, clever greeting cards, and yes, even chocolate. It's a rather charming time of the year, might I say. Though, it is not one of my favorite holidays.

Nevertheless, I dare say that it is just as easy for couples and singles alike to dwell on this holiday for far more than what it's worth. If you're like me, I needed to be reminded of that this week. Regardless of whether or not you have a special someone to share the holiday with, I hope you can take away something from this post to remember this week.

Most of you know what the book of Hosea is about. It's a love story--a romance, if you will. It parallels Hosea's marriage to the unfaithful Gomer to God's covenant with the rebellious Israel.

Just as Gomer got caught up in her other lovers, so do we. We waste time blindly seducing lovers of our own (whether it be individuals, dreams, money, etc.) that don't include the Ultimate Romance. This is unfaithfulness through idolatry--it's adultery. Meanwhile, the betrayed Hosea waits on Gomer, and continues to pursue her, just as God still pursues us. And the best part about it, is God still girdles us in his ever-loving embrace with excitement, even though He knows our hearts still wander.

Not only are we graciously accepted back into communion with Him, but He makes us right again. As if we did no wrong. This is the sweet, intimate, constant, no-strings-attached, Great Romance that all of our hearts long for.

I do not have a valentine this year but thinking back on past years, I am thankful for that. But for those of you that do have a valentine i have only this to say: I'm sure you are grateful for your significant other and they are all you could ever ask for and are beyond blessed by them. But if you don't strive to keep The Great Romance at the center of your attention, as a couple and as individuals, then you're missing something, and will never be able to experience the fullness of love that God intends for you. And at the end of the day, that person is just one of the vessels that God has chosen to reveal His sweet love to you. They are just one of the countless ways that He romances you.

I close this letter to you readers with gratefulness and awe. I hope you have a blessed week full of Romance and romance alike, and I pray that you would find yourself in the arms of the Faithful One.

"Behold You have come over the hills, upon the mountain
To me, You will run
My Beloved, You've captured my heart

Won't You dance with me
Oh, Lover of my soul
To the song of all songs?

With You I will go
You are my Love, You are my Fair One
The winter has passed and the springtime has come

Romance me
Oh, Lover of my soul
To the song of all songs"

How amazing it is to me, that He loves our dirty, filthy, tainted souls.

Friday, February 3, 2012

What's actually important?

It has been a while since I've blogged, but this topic has been on my heart for the past couple of days and I just want to share my opinion. (Take note that if you don't agree with my opinion, that's fine. But I stand by it.) This post won't be long so here we go. :)

For all of those who have been living under a rock for the past couple of days, I just want to fill you in on the latest news. There has been an uproar over the Susan G. Komen decision to cut out cancer screenings and give a large sum of money to Planned Parenthood instead. With all of the commotion surrounding their decision, there has been talk about them reversing that decision and so forth. I'm not completely sure what the organization has or has not done at this point, but I do know that Planned Parenthood is still able to apply for the Komen grants. But that being said, I only have one thing to say about the Komen and Planned Parenthood partnership.

The Komen Foundation is an organization focused on cancer research and I believe that they should be spending their money on exactly that. This organization's mission is to save lives so it makes no sense to give money to an organization that promotes abortion. Therefore, my personal opinion is that the Komen Foundation shouldn't take part in killing America's isn't a woman's right to choose death for her child.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute..." -Proverbs 31:8