Sunday, January 22, 2012

Breaking the Stereotype.

I belong to a group of people known as "Christians". I am a Christian. It's all I've ever known and it's all I'll ever be.

Meet my friend Jennifer. She has a unique style about her. Pink hair, high-top sneakers, heavy coated eyeliner and a lip ring is what she portrays in her outward appearance. She digs it. She says she likes to look and express herself differently than all the "normal" girls she sees day after day. Jennifer has a heart that is on fire for God. He has blessed her with so many talents; one of them being singing. She writes the most beautiful and moving songs that I've ever heard. She says that is what God is calling her to do and that its her purpose to lead others through worship.

The church Jennifer attends does not agree with her style and composure. The elders say she is a bad example to the young girls and don't give her the time of day. The girls in her youth group that make fun of her skinny jeans and "off the wall" hairstyles don't realize what kind of damage they do to her heart and confidence. No one accepts her as she is because she isn't perfectly polished and pressed in her polo shirts and designer handbags. Her passion as a child was to sing for her church praise team when she finally got old enough but her spirit has been broken and tarnished by the so called "Christians" her church congregation has claimed to be. She feels like she's not worth anything.

Meet my friend Jennifer. Today, she committed suicide. She couldn't take the pressure of peoples words and remarks so she's left this world with unfufilled dreams and a wasted purpose. Jennifer's story made me question myself... Do I, as a Christian, treat others like the Christians in Jennifer's life treated her? What is a Christians purpose? Is it just a cliche steryotype that everyone joins as an easy way out?

I want REAL Christians. I want a Christian who doesn't judge those who choose to standout. When new people "try out" church, I want a Christian who won't shove their knowledge of redemption down their throats but instead will be open minded to people who think different things. I want a Christian who practices what they preach. One that leads people to God by testifying His love for them in place of instiling the fear of dying and going to hell if they don't have a relationship with God.

I want a Christian who isn't afraid to have fun. A Christian who breaks all steryotypes and has passion for everything they do. I want a Christian who accepts that we ALL make mistakes and doesn't live life behind a fake smile... who may slip the "F" word when they stub their toe but where their heart's at is greater than the simple four letter word they cursed. I want a Christian who fills the void of drugs and alcohol with God's unconditional love inside of them. One that believes God made them exactly who and how they are for a reason and shouldn't second guess their own life.

I want Christian relationships that work. That last, happily ever after, because they fell in love with God before they fell in love with each other. I want a Christian who wants to wait and have sex until marriage but know that even if they don't or didn't, that they can be pure again in Gods eyes, 100%. I want a Christian boy who can withstand the worldly temptations because they know that the wait is worth it in the end and a Christian girl who knows she's loved and respected by a man without giving herself away.

Also, I want a Christian who hears this, reads it for what it's worth, and doesn't tune me out because they think they already have all the answers. Instead, they take a look into their own lives and realize they're Christians but sinners, too. I want a Christian who realizes there is no such thing as a perfect Christian because I'm living proof of one and I'm imperfect, too.

I'm an imperfect Christian, living an imperfect life, doing my best to glorify Christ daily. I stumble and I make mistakes, but no matter what I do...I know that my Savior will be right there with His arms open wide; no matter what stereotype other's place me under.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Job 14:14

I am aware that it has been a hot minute since I last blogged, but don't worry I haven't abandoned you. It has been a very busy week, to say the least. So much has been going on and so much has been on my mind, I haven't really made the time to just type it all out and express my thoughts. That being said, I'm going to do exactly that. (Attempt to do so, anyway)

For the past few days I have been in one of those "grumpy" moods, if you will, because in one of my classes we have talked a lot about cancer. This would normally be fine but it's caused me to think about my grandpa's dealings and it has brought back a lot of painful memories. I know that for those who have ever had to sit through one of my depressing episodes of grief over my grandpa's is a rough spot to be in and I sincerely appreciate your willingness to listen. But what bothers me is that rather than just letting me grieve and then go about my business (seeing as how I have a happiness rebound rate of about 3 minutes) a person or two will pull out their Bible and read Philippians 3:13 to me...

"One thing I do: forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead..."

Now, I appreciate their attempts to make me feel better but I think they are confusing Paul's words in this passage. I believe that the well-meaning Christians take this phrase out of context about "forgetting what is behind" and apply it as a command from scripture to never look at the past. But that is not what Paul is saying here. Paul was talking about the "trophies" he had to leave behind to follow Christ. ...The Bible clearly expresses what a good and effective teacher the past can be. But only if we approach it as a good student, from the perspective of what we can gain and how we can use it for His glory.

Thankfully though, there is another passage that someone brought to my attention that is much more suited to grieving.

"When a man dies, will he come back to life? If so, I would wait all the days of my struggle until my relief comes." -Job 14:14

Thank goodness the loss of someone never has to mean the end of abundant, effective, or even joyful life for a person. These things may seem to pause momentarily while grief takes its course, but those who allow their hearts to be bound by Christ will experience these again. Our Savior is the God of resurrection life; no matter what kind of death has occurred to a believer. When our hearts have been shattered by loss and sadness, we have the opportunity to welcome a special power into our lives--the power to live again on this Earth when we would rather die.

Needless to say, I am feeling much better tonight knowing that even though I still have random spouts of grief; if I allow my heart to be bound by Christ...I will experience true happiness and fulfillment. Maybe not right this second, but eventually.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Have you ever been in those situations where you were just too scared to commit yourself? I find myself in these situations more often than I tend to realize. It's usually during those times that God is telling me to do something and it puts me out of my comfort zone... (Or when I'm too scared to commit myself to a relationship, but that's for an entirely different post) I'm sure you have had those times as well. You know, when God says "do this" and you think "you're kidding me, right?" Until finally He tells you that you are just scared. Which is usually pretty accurate for me. No one likes feeling uncomfortable or placing themselves in a situation where they have to fall/surrender. But a good friend of mine went skydiving recently and gave me a bit of advice that she didn't realize would stick with me. She told me that once you get the courage to jump, the fall is worth it all. So, why not give God a chance and let Him be your parachute? Let Him lead you in the right direction, sure you'll still make mistakes, and you will still be placed in those uncomfortable situations but the fall is worth it all.

And who knew Train was so good at writing music? I love this song and it fits perfectly with this topic. So enjoy some good music while you're at it. :)

I wanna take you with me
to life with no more yesterdays
we can start again awake and so excited
and change the way we always push
we always push

I'll open up and be your parachute
and I'll never let you down
so open up and be my human angel
and we'll only hit the ground

and when the world gets sharp and tries to cut you down to size
and makes you feel like giving in
oh, I will stay, I will rain, I will wash the words and pain away
and I will chase away the way we push
the way we pull
you're beautiful

I'll open up and be your parachute
and I'll never let you down
so open up and be my human angel
and we'll only hit the ground

and if it feels like we might drop
it will stop
so don't look down
it wouldn't be the same without you
this life is too good to give up on

I'll open up and be your parachute
and I'll never let you down
so open up and be my human angel
and we'll only hit the ground
and we're gonna hit the ground

Thursday, January 12, 2012

How you catch them is how you keep them.

Tonight I'm going to discuss a topic that I'm almost certain I've covered before, but it's really been on heart lately and I feel like it's something that we all need to be reminded of. Almost daily.

I have seen and heard so many girls go out of their way to impress a guy and it kills me every single time. Why do we ladies feel like we must dress in tight clothing or be physical with a guy to get his attention? That being said, there is a phrase that I've used to explain this (idiotic) concept of impressing boys and it is as follows: How you catch them is how you keep them. What I mean by that statement, is that if you catch a guy by dressing inappropriately or by being physical or sleeping with him....that's how you keep him. You will have to continue giving him more and more of those things (and more of yourself) and you will have to continue dressing that way, or he will lose interest. But if you catch a guy by being humble in spirit, having a Godly character, dressing modestly, and just being yourself then he will continue to pursue those characteristics in you; because he wants that. He wants to pursue a beautiful relationship with you that has Christ at the center. So how you catch them is how you keep them.

I hope that all of you ladies will realize that you can't catch a guy at a party or elsewhere by going out of your way to impress them with your clothing or by being physical and then just suddenly change who you are. He's not a guinea pig, you can't just change and have him love you for your personality or for your Godly spirit, etc. So when you are "catching" a guy, be aware of what you're getting yourself into before you get hurt.

Honestly, I feel bad for the girls that are upset over a relationship, but when I hear girls complaining about the fact that their boyfriend dumped them because she wouldn't sleep with really begs me to question why he even thought that was acceptable in the first place. You know? If you aren't genuine when you begin the relationship, it won't last.

I really wish I could state this more eloquently but it's not happening. So there you have it and I hope that some of you will go about relationships differently. You don't need to impress a guy or go out of your way to get his attention. The one that matters will notice you, without all of the extra effort.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Overcoming the Seed.

It's safe to say that each of us have questioned our purpose, our calling, to some extent. Whether it be because of what someone has said or done, the way we performed at a select task, other's opinions of us (informed or misinformed), or even our own insecurities, we have all felt that same uncertainty in our lives. It's normal. In fact, that is the purpose of faith, trust, and reliance.

But what happens when that insecurity becomes so vivid, that it shakes every part of our mission?

Before I say anything else, it's important to note: there is a difference between doubt and insecurity. Doubt is just a stepping stone to insecurity. But let's look at the evolution of doubt to insecurity as it pertains to God's calling in our lives...

There is always a seed. A seed that sparks that second guess. Not always, but sometimes that second guess grows into insecurity. We think about it, turn it over in our heads, over-analyze it, and obsess over it until we then begin to have feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. And this is where it gets sticky. This, like in any other situation, seriously can effect our performance. Often times in these situations we can find ourselves withdrawing, even if just emotionally. However, that means that our heart isn't in it. Which, obviously, benefits no one.

As Christians, we should remember two things:

A body functions as a unit. No part is superior to the other. Each part plays an intricate role.

"The body is a unit... and though all its parts are many, they form one body... whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free... we were all given to the one Spirit to drink... If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? ...But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be... those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor... there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other."
-Taken from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 NIV

God has anointed and appointed each of us to our own mission. Yes, each mission is very, very different, but equally important. What is so awesome is that God has us "just as he wants us to be". He has a plan. His plan is all that matters. We are responsible to that plan; not to our plan, not to other's plans, just God's. And ultimately, we will answer to Him.

So, if you know God's calling on your life, have confidence in it! Have confidence in Him! He knows what He's doing, and He thinks you're PERFECT for it. The role you play in the body of Christ is sacred. It's important, and requires your full potential, devotion, and heart. With you jumping all in with full confidence, you will gain so much, lives will be touched, and no one will be cheated.

Encourage, uplift, and empower one another.

"Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching."
-Hebrews 10:24-25 MSG

We never want to be the seed that causes another believer to become insecure. And you never know when one is dealing with that doubt and insecurity. A little encouragement goes a long way. We must remember and value the importance of the different roles of the body.

I know these thoughts are jumbled, ramble-ish, and kind of scatter-brained, but I really felt led to share this. It has been heavy on my heart for a while now, and I could never find the eloquence to say it, so I just didn't... until now. Good thing God still uses ineloquent people, or else we'd all be in a pickle.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Out with the Old, In with the Renewed.

New Year's Inspiration

The video is a bit off-center, but I cannot seem to fix it. Sorry about that!