At this moment, I am snuggled up in a warm blanket with a cup of hot chocolate, listening to the sound of rain hit the window, and thick wool socks covering my toes in my cozy house.There is no place like home.
Gosh, how cliche does that sound? However, there is such a strong ring of truth in these words. There is nothing like spending time with your immediate family. There is just something about being with them in our lovely home, with our cute (and highly annoying) pets, enjoying a less than (what we are used to) traditional Thanksgiving...
Generally, hardcore Betty Crocker style baking would begin a few days before Thanksgiving. This year however, we are having a much less hectic Thanksgiving, of which I'm MORE than thankful for. Typically, the rest of our traditions pick up on the day of Thanksgiving (which just so happens to be in two days). I would be getting dressed to spend the earlier portion of the day cooking a large meal for about twenty-seven or more people, depending on who brought whom this year. After chasing a few kids around, spending some much needed time with family, indulging in our family's yummy apple pie, and listening to the kids fail miserably at Bop-It, we would all head over to Great-Grandmother's house as a kind gesture of how much we care. Afterwards, the Johnson's and Holley's would head back to the house. Once we got home we would put Christmas Vacation in the VCR (because we like the good old-fashioned tape version), all find a comfortable seat in the living room, and we would get our annual-fill of laughter.
Over the past year or so these traditions have changed, or been lost due to challenging circumstances. Instead of having a huge family get-together, we are spending Thanksgiving with just a few of our relatives, and then the rest of the mini-break relaxing and just enjoying a hectic-free couple of days. It is almost the same, except that we have far fewer people to share the day with, but that is for another post. Finally, my out-of-state cousins will make the long haul to visit us the weekend after Thanksgiving and spend a few days with us.
This Thanksgiving, I find myself blogging about past Thanksgiving's and traditions. You might think that I am sad that this Thanksgiving will not be the same... truth is, I am not. Now do not get me wrong, I miss the family members that won't be here, but I am not sad. I am happy. I am rejoicing, actually. Tonight my family and I will start the first of many days spent with the Holley's , not going anywhere; but watching cheesy Hallmark holiday movies and ending with Dancing With The Stars. My aunt and uncle will take my room, my cousins will choose their bedtime spots, I will take the couch, tomorrow we will go about our daily routines, Thanksgiving day will be normal (yes, we will still make our large meal, because even a few of us requires the preparation of good food!), and all of this will be followed by my cousins from Ohio visiting us this weekend. But, it is different than what we are used to.
I am rejoicing for that, though. I am praising God that no matter what life throws at us, we are still moving forward (I mean, we are the Johnson's... we are as tough as bricks, but that is besides the point.) Each one of us has changed immensely. We have all grown from the past year in our own way. We have adjusted, acclimated, and found comfort with where we are now. Traditions change, people come and go, but ultimately you learn from it. We are standing strong at the end of another rough year in each other's loving embrace.
And there is no where else I would rather be this Thanksgiving.