I believe that the greatest moment of your life is this one. It is this hour, this moment; not the one that’s over and not the one that has yet to come. It is this very moment, because this moment is where God is. So many people lose their lives by worrying about the future or evaluating their past. You should expect this moment to be the best moment of your life. Not because it’s easy or because you’re so brilliant that you can overcome it. Not because it’s going to be a Kodak moment, you might not want to remember it at all. But because in the outskirts of Jerusalem there is an empty tomb. A tomb in which Jesus was once withheld. But if he is no longer there, where is He? I’ll tell you… He’s right here. This moment is His. And this very moment, if it’s fueled with God, can be your glimpse of heaven.
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”